Greg is 23 years old and is primarily a pitcher but has played each position, especially outfield. He enjoys coaching younger kids to help develop their skills as well as an understanding for ball. Growing up on a farm has also helped Greg to learn how to handle livestock and operate other aspects of the farm. He is Red Cross Standard First Aid CPR/AED Certified as well.
Payton is 23 years old and has played every position growing up but has now focused on pitching and outfield. He is looking forward to having the opportunity to work with campers this summer to help them have fun and build their skills. Payton is also Red Cross Standard First Aid CPR/AED Certified.
Greg and Payton have played together for many seasons and have developed a great friendship through ball. They understand both fastball and Baseball and are excited to help kids improve their skills. They have designed a camp that will provide your child with a great experience.
Van Boekel Field of Dreams Baseball Camp
676217 16th line, Bright, ONtario
Be sure to check out the new options before you book! We are also in the process of recruiting new leaders to join us for this season. Stay tuned for introductions coming soon!